Capital adventures

By marchmont


A busy start to the day. Did the necessary housework for K coming tomorrow and then scanned the 19 page Leuchie form, plus did the ironing, all 3 pieces. 

Over to K's. Y want there as it was a hinge game. M was there and it was hard going as her memory b is so bad. I'd had the call to do some emergency housework for #2 son but couldn't leave K to cope on her own so it was after 1 before I got away. Dementia is a cruel disease. 

Home by 2.30 and it was a warm, almost hot, afternoon so to the garden after a quick chat with G, newly home from hospital. Later when it got hazy I did some gardening and watering. Sat outside the front for my phone call to K re Apex, caught up with the other K about how the rest of her day had gone and then made a stir fry. Watched a bit of TV and then bed. 

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