
By ArcLight

Leading light

Obviously this photograph is technically awful, but I loved the impression it gives of K leading the way into the light.

It was a glorious early morning swim. A great way to start a Saturday. Up early and out, although unexpectedly Mr A was also up early so we had had breakfast before I headed off to Shandwick for some bobbing about in the water.

It was the beginning of a very busy Saturday. C came round with her chainsaw wielding husband, and these two young people had most of the stumps out of the garden in about 20 minutes flat. They even took them away with them, as they were on their way to the dump. Great what people with a can do attitude and the right tools can do in double quick time. I'll post a "next stages" photo as a later blip.

They were rapidly followed by a visitation from Mr FT, the two Ciglets (now officially very tall) and the dawg. We wandered along to Pipers (see extra) for some refreshments before they continued their merry way southwards.

After a fairly restful afternoon (needed!), we went for drinks and excellent and very substantial nibbles with A and N, where we also met L and A, who live in the Manse and who are part of the group of Tain newcomers. H and D were also there. It unexpectedly turned into quite a large night....we returned along Manse Street about 1.30am.... There weren't many people out apart from two groups of young people.

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