
By tridral

Gadael i fynd

Gadael i fynd ~ Letting go

“All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”
― Pablo Picasso

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Ffeindiais i ychydig mwy o hen bethau yn y llofft - hen deganau roeddwn i'n chwarae ag ef yn blentyn. Meddyliais i y byddwn i'w pasio nhw ymlaen i siop elusen neu ein hwyrion. Cyn iddyn nhw fynd meddyliais i ddylwn i dynnu ffotograffau i'w cofio. Felly dyma'r hen gath. Mae hefyd yn focs cerddoriaeth, felly recordiais i'r sŵn hefyd. Nawr mae'n barod i fynd ar ei daith nesa.

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I found a few more old things in the loft - old toys I used to play with as a child. I thought I would pass them on to a charity shop or our grandchildren. Before they went I thought I should take photographs to remember them. So this is the old cat. It's also a music box, so I recorded the sound as well. Now he is ready to go on his next journey.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Hen gath tegan
Description (English): Old toy cat

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