The Pensioner

By Pensioner

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Off to see the moneybags man first thing and a most enjoyable natter we did have. Chocolate biscuits were offered but they were too far away for me to grab. Though no such problems for m’lady.
Home and then out again to Dancebase as our friend D is once again starring in her show, “Timeless.” Gawd, it was a close run thing getting there. Buses all over the shop and then groups of students getting on at every stop. Of course, the show is terrific: I mean just because you’re old and decrepit shouldn’t stop you from springing about in your scanties, should it? Fair play to them. Actually, in that regard it was better than their show a couple of years ago. That horrendous sequinned hot panted vision still haunts me. Growing old gracefully has much to commend it.
Back, and more Olympics to view. Now that athletics is centre stage I’ve been quite hooked. See, I’m not always grumpy.

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