
By OldTimer

Skyscape from my terrace

First thing this morning the clouds looked amazing. Glad I took this pic as very soon the sky was black and it turned really rough for awhile. No more time for photography so this is it.
Sign now up at my gate that says my house is sold. Strange feeling and believe it or not I got a phone call this afternoon to say a two bedroom cottage in a retirement village had come up. So providing the price is within my reach it will be kept for me. I will know by the end of the week. It will be great if it works out and I dont have to shift twice. 
Spent the afternoon making a huge chicken caserole  as my final dinner party for this house is going to happen over the next few weeks. My son and grandsons want one last big open fire. Plus a few more rellies and the land agent will be added to the list
Busy days ahead as I will also start packing. My DIL has assured me of plenty of help. Even the land agent has offered to help with a large trailer. We have become firm friends

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