Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Breakfast al fresco

Another lovely day so when we got up I decided to do a picnic style breakfast. Cereal and milk then a play on the swings, what more could a child want in a morning?

Costco for lunch then took Granny for an appointment. Euan decided he wanted to stay and play with Granny so she kept him for the afternoon and walked him up the road at 5 in time for tea. Martin got the grass cut while I sat with Rhona asleep on me. She had fallen with a pen in her mouth just before we headed to Costco and has not been right since. She wouldn't eat or drink without crying out in pain, even the boob didn't help as even when she went looking, she took 2 gulps and came off crying. A bit of a temperature this afternoon too so she has had two doses of calpol today already. The calpol does seem to help and she managed some mince and oatcake then a yogurt for tea with some water, then she had her milk before bed, which she took without crying this time, thank goodness as I was getting a bit worried about dehydration on this hot day.

Had a visit up to the Greats for a while but Rhona was really out of sorts so we came home for more calpol and that was when she perked up the best she had been since she had her accident. Still very clingy, but so long as it was me playing or reading to her, she was happy. Hopefully it will feel better in the morning and she gets a good nights sleep.

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