Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

So…this was a crazy busy day… We had customers coming from before we opened, buying veggies, pots, flowers, bouquets and plants. I was on my feet until 11, then I had to take a break.
I made four bouquets and two of them got snatched up by one customer. She’d never been to the Greenhouse before and was in awe of everything. When I was helping her wrapping the bouquets, she told me one was for her sister, ill in cancer. I was happy that my bouquet would brighten the day for her.
Then we had the usual mix of customers… wining because the larger tomatoes was sold out for the day, talking endlessly with you and spending a long time in the greenhouse just for that… and my brain was so tired after it… expecting to be served, and I fell for it…fool me once, but not more… and those really nice ones coming in with a smile and hello and just being so very nice.
Home via the city center, so happy it was the last Monday before my bus starts again… on Monday I get to sleep longer and have shorter travels to and from work. :)
Now, a nice cup of tea and youtube tutorials. :)

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