This is the day

By wrencottage


I’ve spent as little time as possible outside today. My watch told me it was 33° at 4.00 pm and that’s far too hot for me (and for Smithers).

I did manage to put out a load of washing on the line this morning, which dried in no time, and I’ve also scrubbed out the bird baths and filled them with fresh water. I am replenishing the clay dish on the brick path near the bird feeders with fresh water every day because it is very well used, but I hadn’t checked the ornamental bird bath at the top of the garden for a couple of days. 

Just as I was scrubbing it out and re-filling it I spotted this tiny viola growing in a crack in the York stone paving underneath. I’m amazed at the tenacity of violas, I often find one poking up through the cracks of the paving, but I don’t know where they come from!

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