Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Red Admiral

One of the best known of the UK butterflies grouped together as 'Aristocrats' - and you can see why!  However many you count in a summer (sadly not many this year), they remain magnificent, don't they.  I captured this shot of the admiral in Hilliers Haven this morning, feeding on one of the huge buddleia bushes that have somehow infiltrated the edge of the woodland.  Made my morning.

The rest of the day's been pretty ordinary - a bit of food shopping, chatting to neighbours, feeling slightly tired after yesterday, frankly, especially in this heat.  Oh dear, whatever weather we've got, we always want something else.  Contrary!

Quite soon we're going to have to have a conversation about how long to keep WFW24 going.  I seem to think it's normally just into September we stop, but it depends very much on when the entries tail off.  The last two weeks or so have been less well subscribed, but it would be nice to keep it going as long as you all want it to.  Let me know your thoughts perhaps?

And have a happy evening  xx

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