Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Mono Monday - memories ….

Not a good start, I’d been notified the service on my bike had been completed and to collect at my convenience.  Hubby and I (suitably attired) turned up at the shop - it’s closed on Mondays!

Anyway, my photo for memories is a long story short.  When hubby was growing up he and his brother were always told that “uncle” Bob was the stuntman for the James Bond films (no evidence provided).  On our visit recently to his aunt, she confirmed this information and said that uncle Bob had written a book.  Searching on EBay, hubby found it …… it arrived today (guess what he’ll be reading today).

Very hot one today, managed a bit of gardening this morning but then it got too much.  I welcomed the air con in the supermarket this afternoon.  Lace ladies at mine tonight so cold drinks in the fridge ready.


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