
By cate1


This ornament reminds me of two things; my first job and my engagement.  My first real job after leaving school was with the NCB (my father was a miner at the time) at one of their Glasgow offices, where I began training to be an accountant.  It was where I met my future husband.  There were only 5 females employed in this enormous building and I was very lucky to be one of them.  When I wrote out my letter asking for a job I had signed it with  C. ... instead of my full name. They replied to me  - to Mr. C ... when I telephoned them (from a phone box) to explain that I was actually a girl they were surprised, but told me to come for the interview anyway - which turned out to be successful.  
It was there that I met my future husband and after a year  we became engaged.  
There were two ladies working in the planning department (I can still see their faces, but can't remember their names. - heading should perhaps be - "lack of memory" - they gave me this little ornament as an engagement present.  I have always liked it, although it's now tucked away in a bedroom .  I can't remember any other engagement present I received apart from this one.  

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