My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Ciao bella

As it was Mike's birthday he chose another trip to Bella Italia in Walsall for a birthday meal. I think he enjoyed it and seemed to appreciate his presents too. It was a lovely evening although the food was a tad underwhelming in parts. First they forgot to put chicken in Louisa's risotto, and my onion was chopped so badly that I had massive chunks in my pasta. That was topped though by easily the worst tiramisu I've ever bad I couldn't even finish it. When I complained saying it wasn't very nice, the waiter agreed, telling us he was from Italy and that it definitely wasn't tiramisu but we did get the strange chocolate-sponge-mouse-thing-that-didn't-taste-of-coffee taken off the bill.
Given all that you'd think it was a disaster but I had a really nice time. Happy birthday little brother. 

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