
By ArcLight


A day of many seasons. Grey-ish this morning, and then torrential rain, thunder and lightning for about half an hour at 10am. It eventually dried up, and turned rather warm and humid. Later on, the clouds went away and the wind got up, and it was windy but sunny when I went swimming after 6pm, with A and L from Tain, along with two others who joined us at Shandwick.

The sea was quite wavy and bumpy, and was full of currents buffeting us. It was not easy swimming conditions, but we managed about 35 minutes, although I had to head back to shore halfway through because I had forgotten my float. My not having a float was making one of my fellow swimmers anxious and I must confess it felt odd. So I swam in and then out again twice, which was a trifle annoying, but my own fault.

So it's Monday evening and I'm doing Monday's blip. I've finally caught up.

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