wild things

By riverroamer

A fitting end

 As the Fleadh drew to an end we were watching  some acts on a stage erected on the quayside. It started to rain. Gently at first but then a real downpour. Many people left but we sat it out. After 5 mins it stopped and as I turned round a rainbow appeared over the bay. Not bright enough to capture the whole thing but each of the lower ends shone out. In the background of this picture is a giant harp and I have seen several photos where the end of the rainbow falls on the harp. I guess you had to be  at the right place at the right time!
It has been a fantastic week. Music of all types - some of which I wouldn't go out of my way to see but have thoroughly enjoyed. I have seen instruments that I have never seen before.and chatted with people from all over the world.
My only regret is that I didn't see much irish dancing. Apparently Micheal Flatley was in town (but just as a visitor). I've always been a bit of a fan of Riverdance.

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