
By dreaming

A memory

It was a lovely cool day today and Doug called me while on his daily walk in the park to ask if there were anything he could do for me, as he'd be in the neighborhood.  Of course!  So he came by and brought up the 15 pounds of cat litter from the Amazon locker, figured out how to make the food processor work, updated my computer and struggled with me to figure out how to get things right with the cable TV.  It was so nice to see him.  I enjoy his company so much even when we're just sitting and talking.

For a Mono Monday memory, I went back to this photo from 2017, of a sweet little boy with a day care group down at Carkeek Park.  There's something about his posture and attitude that really touched me.  It makes me happy to look at this photo.

Back to dialysis tomorrow, with a grocery pick-up on the way home.  But it will be cool again, so my car won't get too hot.

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