
By Nicky1

No smoking

The usual, emergency blip when I'm working. This is NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde's latest poster campaign - Smoking on hospital grounds - we're sick of it and are found at the hospital entrance. Wardens have been employed to patrol the site. Will the campaign work? When I'm starting and finishing work the entrance is cleaner, no cigarette ends or patients hanging about in their Pjs having a fag. So where do they go? No designated area has been provided.
Anyway, in general been a good day. On my own at work, colleague on a day off and consultant on A/L, I'm not one for working on my own, prefer the company of others. But I'm not stressing about it as much when I'm on my own now, getting better.
It's emerged that following a review The Liverpool Care Pathway is to be phased out in England and replaced by an personalised end of life care plan backed up by good practice guidance specific to disease groups. A bit confused here, whats the difference?As a palliative care nurse working within a hospice and on a secondment to my local hospital as a palliative care nurse, I have a great deal of experience using the LCP. The LCP is an aid to improving care of the dying within the acute sector, replicating the standard of care for the dying found within hospices.
Like everything, any tool or guideline is only as good as the person using it. More money, time and effort should be put into training and education of the LCP, not phasing it out and renaming it! Rant over .

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