
By sharon143

Yesterday I sprayed most of the house with flea killer before i ran out. Decided the cat flea treatment hadn’t worked so I phoned the vets. They can give them something stronger but not until Saturday. Went to the pharmacist but they said the bites on my legs weren’t infected so sold me Eurax and more hydrocortisone. Decided to go to my sewing group for sympathy as lots of them have cats. They were very helpful and one suggested a flea comb - never heard of them! Bought one on the way home and then went for a pedicure and electrolysis. K smothered my kegs in aloe vera afterwards. Lovely! Decided I have to delay my Edinburgh holiday so that I can take the cats to the vets on Saturday and keep spraying and vacuuming the carpets etc. Walked to Boots to buy more aloe vera. Got home and had the first go with the comb- billie is okay with it but otis not so much! By then I had decided that the bites on my legs were infected so went to another pharmacist who prescribed antibiotics. In between all of this I did 5 loads of laundry - bedlinen, throws, cat bedding etc. Billie came to me for more combing in the evening- she was happy to lie done and be combed for a good while- even when her fur got wet from me continually washing the comb.

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