My journey in Pictures

By Ella

Born Free...

This bird (parakeet) was born free - there is a whole host of them in and around London who fly free and have adapted to this climate... I was lucky enough to capture an image of him way up in the tree so enlarged greatly, as I did not have a telephoto lens with me...
We have been staying in Chertsey at a campsite next to the River Thames, on route from Devon to Norfolk, with a stop over to have lunch with my father... at Pyrford Lock (yesterday).

This part of the Thames is beautiful with little wooden shacks which people live in on the riverside..
The campsite was very friendly and we were spoilt with hot coffee and sausage rolls for breakfast by a fellow camper who stopped by to chat...
A very friendly man who worked in security for a very wealthy arab family....
I am now home and have full internet access - so will hopefully catch up with you all over the next few days.. tomorrow is my godson's graduation in Norwich so will probably have a photo or two to share...
Thankyou to those who have continued to comment on my stuff - I really appreciate it..

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