A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

From the North

No apologies, the family are in North West Scotland and in the early hours they were out photographing the Northern Lights/Aurora Borealis!

I received these this morning and particularly like this one with Grace in silhouette, though there were lots more.

They make up for our missing them in May when we were told they had been spectacular the night before we arrived in the same place. We went out just after midnight but saw nothing and on the dark track outside the house I fell and smashed my face!!

Also, hopefully, they make up a little for them arriving Saturday and finding Monday morning that they had a totally flat battery! 
They’ve managed to get into Ullapool today, (no mean feat being over 12 miles out on a single track road from the main route into town) for a replacement.

Pilates and lunch with my friend, usual Tuesday. Very warm again but clouding up now.

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