There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Mermaid Monday!

It was Monday morning, and we'd been home most of the weekend, so we wanted to go on a grand adventure, but it took some time to decide WHERE. We'd had the remnants of the hurricane on Friday, which gave us water, water, everywhere. And then there was a weather change: in came a gorgeous weather system with cooler, much less humid conditions. Adventure time, for sure! But WHERE?

We'd kicked around a couple of ideas on Sunday night, but nothing seemed to be a clear winner. Then, I had a sudden burger urge. Hopefully, I said to my husband: maybe my day could include a Burger King $5 "your way" meal, with a tasty burger, fries, nuggets, and sweet tea? He agreed!

So we set out for Burger King and did just that, and then we headed for a spring-fed pond we know in the woods. The water is clean and clear there, and it is very low-key and laid-back. It's always cooler there than anywhere, and with a sunny afternoon on tap, might it not be just THE very thing!?

We took our chairs and coolers and daysacks and floaties and swim fins, and off we went. By the heat of the afternoon, we had our floaties full of air, and in jumped my husband. I followed him shortly after. Tiny Tiger, Alex and Little Bear, the Anteater, and the Moose watched from shore.

The water was the absolute perfect temperature: not too warm, like bath water; and not so frigid that it's challenging to stay in for long. My husband had a round floatie with a hole in the middle, and I had my usual air mattress. It'll make you light-headed to blow it up; it always does me. How many breaths to fill it? Why, 90, but who's counting! *pant! pant!*

We floated around like the little water crafts that we were, and I felt the water beneath me and the sun on my back. My swim fins made it easy to get around: just a single push this way, or that, and off I went, sailing away on water clear as crystal, the surface reflecting the greens around me. It was blissful, and I thought to myself: I hope I DREAM about this, come winter time!

My husband got out first, and he snapped a few pictures of me on my floatie. So here you may see me in one of my many native habitats: the last Pennsylvania mermaid, having a late-summer adventure, adrift on a sea of green!

When we were done, we toweled off and moved to the shady side of the pond. We sat and relaxed. Listened to music. Had a drink. Read our books.  Above us, a kingfisher sat on a wire, hooted and hollered. A butterfly arrived and danced and pranced on my husband's towel. The breezes were lovely and I pretended we were at Kellerman's, having one last summer fling before Real Life intervenes, again.

By late afternoon, I was starting to feel peckish, and I'm ashamed to admit I was thinking longingly about another burger bag. But my husband beat me to it. While at Burger King earlier, he'd picked up some coupons: Say, what did I think about a buy-one-get-one-free double cheeseburger? 

Well, it sounded awesome to me, and so that's just what we did. Our late summer swim adventure ended just as it began: with delightful hot and tasty burgers, which we ate like ravenous wolves. Mermaids have to keep their strength up, you know!  :-)

My soundtrack song for this photo of me looking quite happy indeed, sailing on the green waters, is Styx, with Come Sail Away.

P.S. Yes, that IS the new red swimsuit that made me the sometime star of Amish Baywatch earlier this summer!

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