
By KCNQ2Haiku

Early Sunshine

Was this today? No
surely not.  If you need me
I'm at Wednesday!

Another busy day, I've just made myself laugh because I didn’t think I had a photograph from today but suddenly remembered, I took photograph at 6 o’clock this morning when I took the dog for a walk after I taken Mr KCNQ2Haiku to the station at 5:30am and it just seems so long ago now that I had assumed it must have been yesterday or the day before!  Another respite day where I had more done by 9 o’clock in the morning than is probably reasonable.  I then spoke to my dad and prepared for a big Social Care meeting, it went pretty well. The social worker has finished her assessment of us and has made some recommendations for Ben that need to go through senior management panel but will mean we can consider some extra support for him at post 16 level. Quite a big step for us but I think a positive one for all concerned.  My Ben respite feedback today is that he's been to the park and an art gallery and shops, the last notification was that he was baking a cake and covering it with icing, so it sounds like he’s had a nice day!  I went for a walk after the Social Care meeting, baked a cake for older teen and I to enjoy whilst Mr KCNQ2Haiku is in Edinburgh for the night, then I cleaned the bathroom, did all the ironing  and took Leo out again because apparently it’s still Tuesday even though it feels like I've lived 4 days since I woke up! He had a big play with a Doberman and Labrador in the tipping rain so we're both now wet but I think we’re happy :-) and it’s a spaghetti bolognese and film night so I'm signing off :-)

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