
By Tryfan46

Down and not out

Two out of three is not bad. Isn’t that the title of a song? I heard it on Johnnie Walker the other day, now I can’t remember who it was by. Meatloaf?

Of the three tasks today two were accomplished along with tasks I didn’t think I was going to do.

I didn’t get to paint the studio wall. I washed it down and left it to dry. Instead of painting we went for a walk fairly early in the morning which is where I spotted this combination.

In the afternoon I completed my final Railway competence assessment for this year. Passed it too. That’s the two out of three.

I intended to paint the studio in the cool of the evening, then it went all black and rumbly. Hardly amounted to much but it stopped the painting malarky.

Instead I made a batch of chilli jam using our chillies. Looking good. We’ve just finished the last jar from a batch made in January 2022.

Then I was told that someone had “broken “ the allotment padlock and it was found left on the ground. That’s a serious problem for us all. The council are responsible for security! We think we know “who dunit” and it wasn’t one of us.

For those of you who would like to know about blipper MarionB, she emailed me yesterday via her daughter with the following message:

Hi Phil, I am using voice to text so this might be a jumble of things. There has not been much to report. I’m still in Parry Sound in the hospital waiting to be transferred to Oshawa but it seems to be a very long wait. I can’t say that I’m feeling good, but I realize this will take a very long long time. The frustration is being totally dependent on other people. My hands are inoperable. They’re not available. My arms won’t move so anything that requires hands or arms I cannot do and this is embarrassing when you make a list of those things.

I’m not sure how you were going to get a hold of my people to give them a heads up that that’s why I’m not online but I did get an email from blipper 59 when she did not have my email address , so I assume you must’ve got through somehow if you have any suggestions of how I could just maybe put a blip up or get Angie to do it with a photo she’s taken. cameras out of my abilities right now and maybe just a quick message that I will be off-line for quite a while, but there’s a reason for it.

I posted a present to Bulgaria today. What a rigmarole.

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