By lizzie_birkett

Poor Amelia

She had a fall at the ice rink and smacked her face on the hard ice.
It’s her first day at high school tomorrow!
She feels OK though.

We went to the boat today to clean it.
I wanted to weed the overgrown mooring garden too but it was just too hot. I must have collected about 50 spiders from teeny tiny ones to big brutes and put them all over the wall into the field at the end of the mooring. I never harm them, I have a small soft brush to sweep them into a jug then into a box with a lid to carry them.
I wonder how many find their way back!
Frank cleaned the recently painted outside.
We were both exhausted when we came home and each had a wee nap. I’m still tired so having an early night.
Hope you all had a good sunny day.

Goodnight :-)X

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