Choose Joy

By Energia

Such a gorgeous day

Any day that is not 90 degrees is a gorgeous day right now. 

I went into DC for two final meetings of the day and liked this and I’m glad I took a picture because it is the only one I took. 

Yesterday I was getting distressed that I STILL was seeing no news about Ukraine INVADING Russia but finally, in the afternoon, something broke in the media world and articles began appearing. 

“ in seven days the Ukrainians have seized almost as much territory as Russia has managed, at huge cost, to take from them since the start of the year (1,175 square kilometres).” - Economist

Russia is withdrawing some of its military forces from Ukraine to deal with the incursion. - Wall Street Journal 
Lightly-armed Russian conscripts surrendered en masse. “There is still little sign of Russian resistance on the ground. Ukraine has taken a large number of prisoners, mostly callow conscripts or men from the National Guard, an internal military force. They have been quick to surrender. The Ukrainians have faced little opposition from the pockets of civilians who have stayed behind.“ - Economist

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