
By loisbiz

A Photo of a Photo

Mono-Monday theme today is Memories. This is a photo of a photo I took in early 2017. I started watching a pair of Bald Eagles with a group of photographers, they taught me how to use my new camera. One of them was a Blip member, she helped me with my camera and talked me into joining Blip. She is no longer with Blip but I have so many wonderful memories because of my joining Blip and getting to know several of you personally! The Eagles are still nesting in a tree near me, but it is out of sight now because of the normal growth of trees in front of it. So one of my greatest memories is of the time spent with new friends watching the Eagles and the fact that it lead me to Blip.

Ellie came over in the afternoon; she brought a piece of fabric and wanted to make a bed and sofa for her little LOL doll. The extra photo is Ellie with one of her creations, I helped with the sewing machine work, but Ellie was definitely in charge of the creations. 

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