Again and Again

By Ripitup


I'd plans for a garden visit with M&M today however it was not to be.
Instead I met Deb in Stratford St Mary. We paddled to Flatford in touring kayaks which were, as she assured me, very stable.
Parts of the river were very quiet and we saw hundreds of dragon flies, fish, ducks, swans and a few kingfishers. There were fields of cows, some with heads poking into the reeds, munching loudly as we floated by.
Other sections of the river were being enjoyed by humans. Walkers and twitchers trundled by.
Teenage girls in bikinis rubbed sun lotion into thirsty skin. Families attempting to row or paddle a variety of boats and boards with varying degrees of sucess. Boys smoking weed. Boys drinking beer. Conservationists working the land. Paddlers, swimmers, rope swingers and dogs.
We paddled under a busy bridge on the A12. The cool and echoing space a huge contrast to the outside world. We discussed this downside to eating at Le Talbooth ( versus somewhere without the noise. I think doing both may need to be on a 60 before 60 list in order that I can have a fully informed view.
On the way back we stopped at Dedham for a swim

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