
By simonslife

A happy campsite

The garden/vegetable patch is providing a lot of produce. Some of the Glampers have been using bits and pieces from it but the garden is producing more than enough for everyone. The morning started off much cooler than of late but it was dry and bright, my first fun challenge was to sort out the peacocks and chickens home. Their habitat had become a bit too shabby for them and they deserved a spruce up. I raked the whole area and removed all of the old grazed foliage and feathers before giving them all plenty of greenery and a top up of general poultry food. The water butt was filled and everything looked hunky dory.
The Glampers started to surface and were generally entertained by the pack of dogs that live here. Time to attack the laundry and bathrooms, after which S and I sat down and chatted in-depth about life and our future lives for nearly two hours! Sarah headed off to fetch provisions I
carried on with laundry and lunch.
My afternoon spent weeding the driveway and collecting some vegetables to accompany the two homemade beef burgers I was kindly donated by campers.

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