Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Man made…

This is Commercial Arcade which is most definitely man made.
It was built between 1825 and 1828 and was originally meant to have a glass roof. But the two Jerseymen who were financing the project ran out of money before the roof was added. That’s the problem with allowing Crapauds from That Other Island get involved in projects in Guernsey.
But to be fair to them it must have cost an eye watering sum of money because many thousands of tons of rubble needed to be excavated. To give you an idea of the scale of the problem the extra pic (which I took from the same spot as the main photograph but I turned 180°)shows the steep rise from the level arcade to the steps. You can see our town is built on a cliff!
The rubble excavated was used to reclaim land near the harbour which is now is used as our bus terminus, 3 lanes of traffic and a row of buildings. So all in all the men from the other island “done good”.

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