Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos


Who is looking a shadow of his former self.  

Rain has stopped play for a blip of a building or something man made outside but Gary caught my eye as I was leaving work.

I was listening to an interesting podcast last night of an interview with Kim MacKay, the director and CEO of the Australian museum who was talking about repatriating the remains of First Nation and Pacific Islander people that are in the museum.  She mentioned that there was an exhibit with the skeletons of a horse and rider.  In days past, human skeletons were obtained from real people and many of them came from India to satisfy the museum market.   She had the exhibit taken down and they managed to by DNA and other investigations identify sufficiently the skeleton of the rider as an Indian woman.  I am not sure but I think she said that the remains were sent back to her village.   The human skeletons in the museum are now all man made and she said they use colouring to give them a more aged look.  Gary of course is man made.  He is now living in the kitchen at work.

Some skeleton jokes I have obtained from t'internet to finish off:

1. Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance?
Because he had nobody to dance with.
2. What does a skeleton order at a restaurant?
Spare ribs.
3. How do French skeletons say hello?
4. What do you call a skeleton with no friends?
5. What’s a skeleton’s favorite plant?
A bone-zai.
6. Why can’t skeletons play church music?
Because they have no organs.
7. What do you call a skeleton who goes out in the snow?
A numb-skull.

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