Foxy's Folio


Wide Wednesday: Man (and Woman) Made

After de-cluttering the loft and reorganising Sophie’s room, today’s project was to de-clutter and tidy the garage: piles of crusty paint cans, a box of brushes stiff with rigor mortis, stacks of plastic flower pots like mountain peaks, myriad odds and ends of tools and materials that might come in handy one day and never did were piled in the car and taken to the recycling centre. I even tidied up my two crates of golf balls and tees - though I didn’t throw any out; I lose them too quickly to risk that!

Anyway, the photo of the result of our endeavours contains plenty that’s man made for today’s challenge. It is a lot tidier, believe it or not.

I was reading the obituary of John Mayall in the latest Mojo magazine today so I’m listening to his Empty Rooms LP as I type. Here’s a track from it, Something New.

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