
By CarolineJay


I was expecting my baby sister A2 and her partner for lunch tomorrow on their way home from Scotland so when she texted and said she'd be here in a couple of hours I was a bit surprised as I hadn't prepared anything and was in the middle of washing, changing the bed and generally sprucing up the house for her first visit! We spoke and it turns out she's been a day out in her mind all week and thought today was Thursday. Anyway, she's always welcome no matter what and she offered to stop off at a farm shop on the way and pick up some bits and pieces and we put together a feast when they arrived. I didn't have a chance to take any photos so here's one from her phone. They took lots of B's old tools away as her partner is a great tinkerer and woodworker, and just loves old tools, and someone finally turned up to collect a big item I'd put on Marketplace so the garage is looking noticeably emptier, and now I have an unexpectedly free day tomorrow to empty some more boxes. B was quite sad to see his tools go but accepts that he can't see to use them any more and is pleased they're going to be cleaned up and used properly by someone who appreciates them.

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