Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Us and our girls.

We met up with these lovely ladies today. We had fun!

Miss Pink and I took a trip to London on the train and met Karen and Katie at Liverpool street. After hello hugs, we rushed over to Shaftsbury avenue to the Lyric Theatre to watch "Going on a Bear Hunt". It was fantastic, and despite me throwing all the sweets on the floor, everyone was really well behaved and thoroughly loved the show. Especially the swirling whirling snowstorm.

After the theatre we walked down to Leicester Square and had our picnic. The little girls had a lovely time being their crazy selves! It was brilliant to see them playing so beautifully together and it was as if they had just picked up where they had left off a year ago. Karen and I enjoyed catching up a little, while the girls played before we headed off to M&M world which was just down the road.

M&M world was fab, so much colour, so much chocolate....... I had another "moment" and knocked a glass bauble on the floor! The girls were fab, loving all the M&M characters dressed up and posing with them all to satisfy the mummies photo cravings. We did have a very comedy moment, when we asked the girls to pose with us while someone else took a photo on my camera, well both girls turned their backs to the camera, thinking it hilarious, whilst us Mummies grinned insanely at the chap taking our photo!! We bought M&M's to take home and a few to nibble, and Miss Pink was very excited whilst we were paying that the green M&M lady came out to say hello. She ran after her to give her a hug. Cute!

We needed a cuppa and a sit down (Miss Pink did too) so we went back to Shaftsbury Avenue to visit the Rainforest Café. I haven't been before, I was always very concerned that it was very expensive, but Karen had the forethought to check if we could just pop in for a drink. We were shown to a table next to an animated Gorilla. He was lovely company for our afternoon tea! The place is amazing. On the floor near our giraffe painted bar stools was a computer generated floor (don't know how to describe it) and when you stepped on it, the floor reacted and leaves moved, frogs jumped about and butterflies fluttered. While Karen and I drank our tea, the girls were playing on the floor, dancing, laughing and generally having a fabulous time. I can't recommend the place enough, the staff were fab, they gave the girls a free gift nag each with colouring etc in, and then as we were about to go home, the waitress on the check in desk offered to give us a tour of the restaurant to "meet" all the animals. I was blown away even if the girls weren't!
Miss Pink was feeling a little bit tired by now and said she'd like to go home, but I suggested to her that we could go with Karen and Katie to Covent Garden to see the Golden Men statues like she had seen in her Topsy and Tim book. She was a bit reluctant, but it was a good decision. We saw lots of golden men, and she put a few pennies in their hats. One was a bit grumpy but we'll ignore him! We all walked around the market square and there was a street entertainer doing juggling and a Houdini type act. The girls were entranced. Grapes, blueberries, sunshine, friends and entertainment, what else could a four year old need?!
We had a quick trip to Whittards to sample all their freebies.....the girls discovered coffee beans smelled nice and felt nice running through their fingers. The mummies discovered crème brulee hot chocolate!
Another brief stop off for a sandwich and a sort out, and then on to a very packed rush hour tube back to Liverpool street. We said goodbye there, Karen and Katie off to visit the Spellers, and us to visit Mc Donalds before travelling home.
Such a fabulous fabulous day, lots of smiles, gorgeous girls, and just lovely. And Miss Pink made me proud, it was a long busy day for her, but even on the packed-standing-room only train home she was still smiling. And wearing her star glasses.

thankyou Karen and Katie for a wonderful day out. Really really thankyou. xxx

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