One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

A flexi what?

A flexi day you say? While the sun shines and the temperature reaches the mid twenties? 
Mmmmm, not sure if I should. 
The what? The Vico at 9.00am with not a knacker in sight and a what? A 45 minute swim? You're kind of twisting my arm there... 
And a book in the lounging chair in the back garden? Isn't that exclusively reserved for pensioners? I mean, it is only Wednesday... 
Followed by what? A post-lunch swim at the Forty Foot?
I am sort of tempted. But I won't stay in the water for more than half an hour this time. How Presbyterian of me, shying away from too much earthly pleasure... 
And what? An evening swim at the Roger Casement statue? Now, you're pushing the boat out there. The man isn't made of steel. I think you've sold it to me. 

Flexi day it is. 

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