
By H22

Place: Gulfport, FL 79/91
Main activity: Wed - Ellen's studio work, TJs, relaxing
Notes: Woke around 330a and then slept thru till 645a - groggy and got up and got moving. Talked to Jo briefly on Signal while I quickly fed the cats and got ready for Ellen to pick me up. We headed to the studio a little after 7a. Bit of a rough go but we got quite a bit done in the apartment building the loft area over the kitchen. Nancy and her daughter stopped by and we did a little more and then ran to donkey building (old AOE), loaded some crown molding and 2x4's and then took it back and unloaded it at the studio but didn't stay. Rain hit right after, we hit TJ's for a bagful and I introduced her to the black licorice ... and then we headed back. I took a shower and then laid on the couch and did the short audios (3-4 min ea) of Jo's guided Sedona Method and fell asleep. Made eggs w/ the fresh roasted chicken and 2 pieces of sprouted toast for meal. Finished the chicken bone broth then, strained it all and cleaned up. Watched some Janine & JC then and streamed shows until bed.

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