
By KathyH58

False sunflower

I planted this last year, it is Helianthus Lemon Queen. It grows over 6 feet tall and blooms in the late summer. This is one of the first blooms on it.

An update on the roommate situation. I had a community college student move in for July 15th, then he immediately left for Cape Breton, he had been offered an internship. He gave me the security deposit, but never paid the rent for the last half of July. I sent him an email to remind him he needed to pay it, and several days later he did send an etransfer. August 1st came and went with no rent paid, again. A few days later I sent him another email reminder, which he never responded to. Tonight I sent him a 'Notice to Vacate' due to non-payment of rent. That got his attention. He paid the rent for August and also for September. He claimed that he kept forgetting to send it because he has been busy with work. I told him that I am busy with work too but I still pay my rent and other bills on time. I told him that it is part of being a responsible adult, pay your rent and your bills on time. I told him that I do not allow anyone to take advantage of me. I also told him that if he is ever late again, he will find himself on the street.

Now I have to deal with a computer problem, a power surge on one USB port on my laptop and I only have 2, one of which I use for the mouse.

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