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8:30am and about to go and walk the dogs.

Been up for a bit with the weeWeir building Lego. Which is a marvellous way to start a Sunday.

Once the dogs were walked, it was home, changed and out to KCC and lead worship. Which was great fun. As well as a little bewildering.

It's amazing how little I actually know and how much I need to rely on God.

Home for lunch and some playtime interspersed with some time to lie in the sun and read. A rare treat.

We took a run/bike ride to the park for an hour and home to make dinner, eat outside and play catch for a bit before bedtime.

A rather sad call from my Mum saying my Grandad had a stroke today. Knocked the kilter out of the evening. Felt like I was wandering about in circles for much of the rest of the day.

But hope is not found in anything I can made.

My hope is in Christ alone.

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