On This Day

By Tweedy

Clett Rock

This is going to be my last blip from mainland Scotland for a few days. Thought I should leave island blips in reserve even though by this afternoon I'll be in Stromness. 

The B&B was comfortable last night and a hearty breakfast saw us on our way to Scrabster. The car has now been parked in the long stay area and the on foot/public transport adventure can begin. 

We walked Holborn Head, past the lighthouse and by the cliffs, gloups and stacks. This is Clett Rock, a 30m sea stack covered with grass, wildflowers and birds. There were so many lovely flowers on the grassy cliff paths - eyebright, meadowsweet , knapweed, self heal, clover, grass-of-Parnassus and so on. 

Soon we'll be checking in  for the 1:15 sailing on MV Hamnavoe. We've never done this as foot passengers so it's more than usually exciting. We'll be in Stromness 90 minutes later and our very kind B&B host is going to give us a lift up the brae. Things are different when you're carrying all your stuff! 

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