All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The Coach

Hubbie was working overtime all day today so it was a Mummy & Ethan Sunday. I took him to the Kids AM showing of The Croods. He seemed to really enjoy it, although did his usual of sitting transfixed for the first half, then getting really restless for the remainder.

Back home and after lunch he asked if he could play outside by the front step, which he has never done before. As I was needing to get started on a big pile of ironing, I agreed, as I could iron in the bay window and keep an eye on him at the same time. He played nicely there for ages, with his playmobil coach (he's very specific about that - it's a coach, not a bus!) and his playmobil cement mixer.

Then it was time to go over to the Foreveryoung house for dinner and for me to leave Ethan there for his weekly sleepover.

Back home and it was an evening painting the garden fence for me. I'm slowly getting there but we have a lot of fence and it needs 2 coats, so is taking a while to complete.

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