A moment in time

By Skyegirl

Tall Boy

It was a very wet and windy day earlier, but in the afternoon it has cleared up and the sun is actually shining now.

A rainy day is a good day to clear out, and our large shelf unit in the den was badly in need of a clear out.  So I got stuck in this morning while Bob went to his meeting with his mates.  It looks a lot better now and I got rid of a lot of rubbish. 

After lunch Tom came round to help Bob with some computer work for the club.  I needed to go to the shops later and Bob wanted to get new windscreen wipers, so we went out and did these things later.  Bought some nice new towels, I like to keep a good stock when I see a good price.

We also went to the recycling facility as we had a lot of used batteries to dispose of and some old cd's which I found on the shelves.  The guys who manage the recycling plant have a great sense of humour and when they get odd toys etc they tend to display them around to cheer the place up.  The giraffe is on on display today!  

I was amazed to see that we have one (ONE) sweet pea flower about to open.  They are so late that I doubt if we will get many at all, but I am hoping that this one might be open for Flower Friday.  

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