
By Chris_P

'A Visit to the Dentist"

I went to the dentist today for what sounded like some quite serious work on one of my front crowns. 

The slight discomfort I'd been feeling had been apparently due to decay in the underlying tooth, which would need to be fixed. At the last visit, my dentist had even said, rather ominously, that  "I'm not sure we can save the tooth." 

So, prepared for the worst, I sat in the chair for the best part of an hour, staring at the contraption he had on his eyes—a dental loupe with two magnifying glasses complete with a small, very bright light. 

While I was really paying attention to what he was doing and how skillfully he was doing it, I also felt that the gadget and the mask he was wearing gave the whole procedure a slightly menacing air. 

I have tried to capture this in today's blip.

And yes, he’s saved the tooth and put on a temporary crown. I’m going back in a couple of weeks to get a permanent one fitted - so all good!

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