
By GreenArcher

The Lady's Tower

   After a drive unto Elie yesterday I was too tired to download my camera and so I left that to do today.

Lady’s Tower was built in 1770 for Lady Janet Anstruther.
“As we understand it Jenny used the Tower as a viewpoint where she could sit to watch the world go by and recover from bathing/immersion. She changed in the man-made cave on the beach below the Tower.”
She was the daughter of a Scottish merchant and renowned for her beauty and reputation as a flirt. Prior to her skinny dip she sent out one of her servants into the town of Elie to ring a bell to let residents know to stay away!
I've read on other websites that Lady Anstruther was the wife of the merchant and not his daughter.

   “Don't believe everything you read on the internet”?   “The problem with quotes on the Internet is that you can never tell if they're genuine.” - Abraham Lincoln

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