Hore Abbey, Cashel, Co. Tipperary

Spent the day at Cashel. Visited the Rock of Cashel (St. Patrick's Cathedral, Cormac's Chapel, etc.), Hore Abbey (which was abandoned in the 16th century), St. Dominic's Abbey (also abandoned), and the local museum. A day viewing ruins, themselves symbols of other ruins, a day where we ended up discussing all the things that men do that either go to waste or lead to the ruin (there you go again!) of human life and the dignity and simplicity that should be part of it, as well as tendency of humans, and in particular politicians and the religious, to abuse it. Sometimes one says 'I wasn't part of it, I wasn't involved', yet, if put in the same position, who is to say we wouldn't do exactly the same?

Cooler today, with thick clouds in the morning till up to about 16.00, when the sun broke through and the clear skies returned.

What am I thankful for today? Our discussions about issues that mean something to us and the values which keep us together.

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