
Hi everyone!

Today was my 16th birthday! We were docked at Vigo in Spain. I had a massive 16 badge to wear, and a lot of random people were saying "Happy birthday!" to me, which was really nice! I went to the teen club for a while, where a few people also wished me a happy birthday. Hannah also promised we would go down to the cupcake shop and they would get me a cupcake. Spoiler alert! It never happened!!!! Although Hannah has promised she will get me one eventually!

At dinner, I was in for a surprise. After our main course, 3 of the waiters brought over a cake and sang Happy Birthday To You! It was different, and slightly embarrassing, but the cake was delicious!

After that, we went back to the club, but the activities weren't very good, so I went off with a few friends (can't remember who!) until just after midnight. Great day, but I really wish Bianka was here!

Steven :)

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