litl hikes

By litl

The weather forecasts agreed . . . it was going to be wet all day.

I wasn’t going out in the heavy morning rain and didn’t bother taking the recycling to the roadside for collection.

I put a load of clothes through the washer and hung them upstairs on the rack to dry. Sorted through all the camping kit I got out a few months ago and put some to one side for a charity shop. The rest has gone back where it came from. Perhaps it will get used next year.

I spent some time watching birds in the garden. There were two sparrows nibbling on wild strawberries, a robin and an unidentified bird. To me it looked like a giant juvenile robin! Some research showed it was a juvenile blackbird.

It was mid afternoon when I checked outside and the rain was light. By the time I’d put my shoes and jacket on it had stopped. I stayed local.  There was lots of water coming down the beck. The photo was taken just upstream from the Bridge House.

Looks much better viewed ‘large’. The App quality is terrible .

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