secret garden

By freespiral


It is of course the Feast of the Assumption (!) and the postbox is en fete.  I was fretting about getting to a well (big day for that kind of thing) and Himself reckoned that if I drove very slowly I would be grand at getting to Lady's Well about 20 minutes away. I risked it and the well was looking gorgeous - all decked out in hydrangeas as usual, the white linen tablecloth awaiting tonight's Mass. The BVM close up is for Jensphotos - yes this is an Aussie BVM kindly gifted when she came to visit all those years ago, 
I had intended to do an abstract but got side tracked. As we went down for a swim I had to smile at these colourful kayaks, named after a much loved blipper of course. I didn't have her down as a kayaker.

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