
By FergInCasentino

Lobello F1

This is the best resistant tomato I’ve found cope with the dry and extremely hot conditions we now battle (35C again today). Every other tomato with the exception of a heavy cropping but rather tasteless oval one succumbs to what can only be described as a dispiriting bottom rot.

They fruit well and long, deep into our autumnal period. I don’t spray them and they seem to get on fine. The fruits also seem happy to sit even when ripe until one is ready to make a passata run. Beautiful flavour, relatively thin skinned and with a high-ish sugar content.

I’ve spent some time yesterday and today trying to cosset the squash and sweet corn in the hope that with forecast rain they might produce a better or even second crop.

Hope springs eternal;
persistence builds internal

The horseflies are terrible at the moment.

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