The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


…………………………flower planters on the prom.

My usual Zumba, cuppa and walk along the prom this morning…the weather wasn’t very nice but we didn’t get too wet. Lunch then I gave a friend a lift to pick her camper van up. Got home and sorted the car out for this evening then decided to give it a quick wash…I was almost finished when the heavens opened and got soaked trying to get the last dollop of seagulls muck off the bonnet! At least I didn’t have to rinse the car, it was done for me! An online grocery shop dealt with before a lazy couple of hours before cooking tea and heading out for the walking group. It turned into a beautiful evening and we had a lovely walk…I’m shattered having done nearly 15k steps.

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday.

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