Lisa's life...

By lisa24270


Saw my dentist again before work today but at least it was early enough that I was able to enjoy cake o’clock in the office :)

This is ivy in my garden which I put through the Prisma app and then played with the levels…too tired to do more computer stuff today!

Sent off a load of paperwork to the DWP and the GP sent a fit note to assist my claim in getting a little financial help now I can only work part time.

He’s put all my varying symptoms and conditions under the Chronic Fatigue umbrella as they all (aside the broken ankle nerve damage & ADHD) started after I lost all that time to the labyrinthitis virus - I think it was 2012 - just didn’t need outside assistance then what with working for family & from home and being able to rest as and when I needed!

I assured him, and the ESA people that I already have reasonable adjustments at work and I do realise how fortunate I am with that.

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