
By Pleach

In the afternoon we went to see a couple of shows at the Edinburgh Fringe.  One play that initially did not sound very interesting but had been recommended was “Myra’s Story” about a homeless woman in Dublin and the chain of events and misfortunes that led her to living on the street.  The actress was brilliant and kept every one’s interest for 90 minutes recounting the story of Myra’s life using different voices of various people she had met or known, with only her bag, her “medicine“ bottle and a park bench as props. The story is based on factual events reminding us that there are many people who have suffered similar problems and live on our streets.
At the end the actress got a standing ovation and probably the funds of the local homeless charity “Steps to Hope” were boosted..
I could not take a photo of the simple stage setting, nor was there time to take a photo of a park bench so these unrelated flowers are a park substitute.

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