
By dreaming


Yesterday I discovered that if I called Comcast and told the machine voice that I wanted to add service, I got through to a real person.  That person dropped the call, so when I got the next person I made him take my phone number so he could call me back if that happened again.  The person I dealt with turned out to be lovely and helpful and saw no reason why I couldn't have what I want.  He told me that he was putting the change through right then and I should have the problem fixed within an hour.  It did not happen and today nothing had changed.  So when I got home from dialysis I tried again.  The first person I got didn't have a clue, but he transferred me to someone else who could help.  I was on the phone with her for a long time, but finally she said that yesterday's order was still pending because they needed the serial number of my cable box.  So we inputted that and that should have been it.  Now, not only do I not have expanded cable and DVR service, I have no regular cable at all.  I'm so tired when I come home from dialysis and this business with Comcast has left me in a state of collapse.  And tomorrow I have to go through it all again!

I went to a section of the terrace that I'd not been to before and found this lovely colorful flower bed.  I'd appreciate it even more if I weren't so worn out.

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